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  • yuetingsun

Teaching: our Teaching Activities

We aim to help the next-generation engineers and scientists to grow.

(Yueting organised the Raymont-Osman Design and Development Prize award, Credit: Raymont-Osman)

Yueting completed the Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE) with Distinction and become the Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in Oct 2021. He has taught Advanced Vehicle Engineering (AVE) and coordinated the Final Year Project (MEng) in 2021-22, and supervised around 5 FYPs, 2 MSc and 20 tutees every year. Besides, he also contribtued to student supervision in Integrated Design Project 3 and lectured Synoptic Mechanical Engineering. He is also providing reviewing service on teaching-focused research articles.

In teaching and learning, we are keen on transferrable skills, research-intensive teaching, and interdisciplinary learning.


We keep transferrable skills in mind when designing teaching materials and assignment. For example, online discussion boards were designed in AVE for students to practice critical inquiry and research skills, e.g., students were asked to comment on a debate using evidence and references.


Yueting incorporated our latest research into a lecture in Synoptic Mechanical Engineering, which made the content contemporary and research-intensive. We are also keen on the concept of Student as Producer, where students were encouraged to produce new knowledge through supervised projects.


Yueting carried out an informal survey with tutees and found that students do not have sufficient access to interdisciplinary teaching and learning, therefore he introduced a interdisciplinary session in AVE on the artistic design (e.g., the use of image board) and engineerng design (e.g., computer-aided design) of vehicle body, which helped students to understand the interface between art and engineering.

The remote teaching during Covid has been a strange experience to all. Yueting redeveloped teaching materials and make them more contemporary, inclusive, and engaging by diversifying the means of online delivery. Particularly, in AVE each session started with a brief introduction followed by pre-record videos and discussion boards on open-end questions, complemented by face-to-face tutorials and computer practicals. Discussion boards were designed not only for sharing ideas and resources within students, but also as a feedback and comment channel to help our decision making to improve teaching and learning experience.


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