10/2024 EVENT: Hebin and Yueting attended the IP and Commercilisation Workshop hosted by the Institute of Translational Medicine.
10/2024 EVENT: Titas attended the Crystallography Winter Meeting.
10/2024 EVENT: We organised a special group meeting with Prof Richard Boocock on Research Translation.
10/2024 EVENT: Yueting attended the mini-symposium 'Future directions for metal-organic framework research' hosted by Prof Professor Neil Champness and Dr Georgia Orton in the School of Chemistry.
09/2024 EVENT: Xiaochuan attended the Royce Workshop: Commercialisation for Materials Scientists, in Oxford.
09/2024 EVENT: Hebin, Haixia, Xiaochuan, and Yueting attended the 1st Conference on Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM) in Bath where Hebin gave a talk on our work in collaboration with Dr Tim Easun, and Haixia gave a talk on his work with Bitao.
09/2024 TRAINING: Ali attended the Workshop: Applied Diffraction Refinement hosted by Royce at Sheffield.
09/2024 EVENT: Ali and Yueting attended 18th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics where Ali gave an oral presentation of our work on Nanofluidic Energy Absorption of MOFs.
08/2024 EVENT: Yueting, Titas, Hebin, and Ali attended the I15 Extreme Conditions User Meeting at the Diamond Light Source. Yueting was an invited speaker of the event.
07/2024 PEOPLE: Peter Odugbile joined the group under the EPSRC Vacation Internship, and Manoj Ganganakatty joined the group for his MSc project. Both will be with us for the summer, welcome.
07/2024 EVENT: Hebin and Titas attended the High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Summer School in Edinburgh.
07/2024 EVENT: Xiaochuan attended the Early Career Researcher Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry in Glasgow.
06/2024 EVENT: Titas and Hebin attended the ECDN conference in Birmingham.
06/2024 TRAINING: Titas attended the ISIS Deuteration Meeting.
04/2024 VISIT: Ms Tongtong Xu from Yuebiao Zhang's group at ShanghaiTech University visited our group and gave a talk on ZIF Flexibility at our group meeting and had a group lunch together.
04/2024 EVENT: Yueting attended Mechanical Engineering Away afternoon where we reflected on research activities in the department.
04/2024 EVENT: Hebin attended the Functional Dense Metal-Organic Frameworks (FunDeMOF) meeting in Kent with a poster presentation.
04/2024 EVENT: Yueting attended the EPSRC Research Base Fellows Workshop in Birmingham.
04/2024 VISIT: Prof Omar Yaghi paid a lab visit to our group during this visit in Birmingham and met all the group members.
04/2024 TRAINING: Titas attended small angle scattering school in the Diamond Light Source.
04/2024 PEOPLE: Titas Pramanik joined the group as a postdoc.
03/2024 INVITE: We invited Dr Mingchao Liu and his students to join our group meeting when Mingchao gave us a seminar on shape-morphing materials. Haixia and Bitao also shared their ongoing related work.
03/2024 EVENT: Ali and Hebin attended the 4th DyCoMaX Workshop at ESRF in France with two posters. Glad to hear that they made lots of new friends there :)
02/2024 GROUP: We had a joint meeting with Dr Tim Easun's group when we heard from Daniel Cerasale, Hebin, Xiaochuan, and Ali on their PhD projects.
02/2024 EVENT: Yueting attended Mechanical Engineering Away afternoon where we reflected on education and student satisfaction for better practices.
02/2024 TRAINING: Yueting attended a workshop from the UOB Enterprise on Intellectual Property and Commercialisation.
02/2024 TALK: Yueting contributed to an FLF information session organised by the university to share his experience in fellowship application. Thank the Research Development team for the invitation, see the slides. Later in the year, Yueting also observed the FLF sift panel of Round 8, and supported a group of colleagues at different application stages by sharing experiences, reviewing proposals, attending mock interviews, etc.
02/2024 INVITE: We invited Dr Shaoting Lin from Michigan State University to give a seminar in our group on his work on extreme soft materials when Haixia and Bitao also shared their ongoing related work.
02/2024 EVENT: Yueting attended the UKRI FLF annual conference in Manchester.
02/2024 TRAINING: Dr Tim Easun delivered high-pressure safety training to our group, on material synthesis at elevated temperatures and pressures, thank you!
01/2024 TALK: Yueting delivered a departmental seminar in the School of Chemistry. Thank Dr Dominik Kubicki for the invitation.
01/2024 PEOPLE: Two chemists joined the group as PhD students this month! Xiaochuan will be based in Engineering and Tahlia will be based in Chemistry, but both will be working across two schools during their projects. Xiaochuan will be co-supervised by Dr Tim Easun, and Tahlia started last October in the group of Dr Adam Michalchuk (also as part of the CDT of Topology Design) and will start some experimental mechanical testing on her interesting crystals in our group.
01/2024 PEOPLE: Dan is moving on to the next stage of his career for a permanent job, congratulations. We had a farewell dinner to say goodbye to him. However, he will remain as part of the group and continue working with us on a part-time basis!
11/2023 GROUP: We organised a two-day Group Research Seminar at the end of the year.
11/2023 TRAINING: Yueting attended a 3-day Leadership Retreat from the FLF Development Network.
11/2023 EVENT: Yueting attended the AMR Summit in Shanghai where he met some of our collaborators.
10/2023 PEOPLE: Anuraagava, Ibrahim, and Sabeel joined the group for their final-year projects. Ibrahim and Sabeel will be collaborating with Dr Ziyan Guo at UCL.
10/2023 LAB: Our lab is undergoing a refurbishment, thanks to the support from the university.
10/2023 PEOPLE: Ali officially joined the group as a Ph.D. student, after a break following his FYP. He will also contribute to lab facility management in the group.
10/2023 VISIT: Yueting visited Qingdao for a collaborative experiment on our Royal Society project.
09/2023 EVENT: Yueting, Hebin, and Haixia attended the EuroMOF2023 in Spain. Our poster was awarded the Best Poster Award. Read the blog.
09/2023 EVENT: Hebin attended the Sustainability in Chemistry Symposium and was awarded the Best Poster Presentation, well done Hebin! Read the blog.
09/2023 EVENT: Yueting attended the UKAN+ annual event at Sheffield. Our group benefitted from the Pilot Award from UKAN+ network.
09/2023 VISIT: Dr Lei Su's group visited us for one week working on our project funded by the Royal Society. They met relevant research groups and labs on campus, gave a talk in the group and held technical discussions on the project.
08/2023 PUBLICATION: We published the work 'Liquids with high compressibility' on Advanced Materials, a collaboration led by Stuart James' group in Belfast. A new perspective to view the water intrusion and the change it can make on liquid properties. We started the collaboration after we met on a UKAN+ workshop, and in this work we were able to measure the bulk modulus of liquid much more accurately than before. Read the news on Nature.
09/2023 PEOPLE: Dr Bitao Lu joined the group as a research fellow from the SouthWest University in China.
08/2024 VISIT: We hosted a lab tour for a group of undergraduate students from Tsinghua University.
08/2023 PEOPLE: Yueting was promoted to Associate Professor.
08/2023 PEOPLE: Dr Dan Parsons joined the group as a research fellow in nanoporous materials. Dan is an experienced crystallographer who worked in Diamond Light Source before he moved here.
08/2023 VISIT: Dr Ziyan Guo's team visited our lab for Weiye's project.
07/2023 EVENT: Yueting, Hebin, Haixia, and Ali attended the Midlands Materials Chemistry Meeting at the University of Nottingham. Hebin and Haixia presented two posters.
07/2023 TALK: Yueting gave a flash talk on the Strategic Planning Workshop: HTI & Engineering.
07/2023 VISIT: Yueting visited Qingdao for experiment planning.
06/2023 PEOPLE: Weiye joined the group for an MSc summer project, in collaboration with Dr Ziyan Guo at UCL.
06/2023 TALK: Yueting gave an invited talk at the CECAM workshop on 'Fluids in porous materials: from fundamental physics to engineering applications' in EPFL. Thank Dr Yaroslav Grosu for the invitation.
03/2023 PUBLICATION: We published a book chapter 'Energy Absorption of Metal-Organic Frameworks' in Mechanical Behaviour of Metal-Organic Framework Materials, by the Royal Society of Chemistry, edited by JC Tan.
03/2023 EVENT: Yueting and Dr. Sophie Cox hosted a workshop on Research Translations in Birmingham. This workshop is funded by the FLF Development Network, joined by a group of UKRI Future Leaders and speakers from different research backgrounds and sectors. We discussed the support and skills required for translating university research into innovations and impact. Read the news.
03/2023 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at the Engineering Seminar.
01/2023 EVENT: Hebin and Haixia attended the Midlands Materials Chemistry Meeting hosted by Dr. Hamish Yeung, they presented two posters at the event and contributed to the event by organizing poster boards.
12/2022 GRANT: We are awarded the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (>£1 M) to establish the field of Nanofluidic Energy Absorption of MOFs. Read the news.
11/2022 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at a Student Career Forum in Oxford. Thank OxfordCSSA for the invitation. Read the news, and see the slides.
11/2022 EVENT: Yueting participated in the Crucible Programme Workshop in Wetherby by the FLF Development Network. Read the blog.
10/2022 EVENT: Yueting attended the FLF annual conference in Birmingham.
10/2022 PEOPLE: Ali and Ben joined the group for their final-year projects.
10/2022 TALK: Yueting gave a seminar to the Solid Mechanics and Material Engineering, at the University of Oxford. Thank Prof Jin-Chong Tan for the invitation.
10/2022 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at the HYMA2022 Conference, in Genova, Italy.
10/2022 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at Mechanics Roast. Thank Dr Mingchao Liu for the invitation.
08/2022 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at the Inter-noise2022 Conference in Glasgow, Heting attended the conference. Thank Dr Rodolfo Venegas for the invitation.
08/2022 INTERVIEW: Yueting spoke to the Tsinghua Student Association of Science and Technology about research and career for students. Read the news.
08/2022 PEOPLE: Stephanie joined the group for one week through In2ScienceUK. Read the blog.
07/2022 TALK: Hebin and Haixia presented their work at the School PGR seminar.
07/2022 EVENT: Yueting participated in the 'Together with UKRI: Transforming Tomorrow Together' event in Birmingham.
07/2022 PEOPLE: Peilin joined the group as an affiliated member based at Tsinghua University.
06/2022 PEOPLE: Suhail and Tong joined the group for their MSc projects.
05/2022 EVENT: Yueting attended the FLF Cohort 6 Start Meeting.
05/2022 GRANT: We are awarded the Pilot Award from the UK Acoustics Network Plus (UKAN+) to explore the acoustic application of nanoporous materials in collaboration with the Oxford Physical Acoustics Lab (Dr Jason Raymond, Dr James Kwan).
04/2022 GRANT: We are awarded the Royal Society International Exchange Grant to explore the seismic damping of nanoporous materials in collaboration with Qingdao Technological University (Dr Lei Su).
03/2022 EVENT: Yueting organised the Raymont-Osman / UoB Design and Development Prize award ceremony for outstanding final-year projects in Mechanical Design. Thank Raymont-Osman for the support of our students. Read the news.
03/2022 TRAINING: Yueting participated in the MHFA England Mental Health Aware Course.
11/2021 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at the ASME IMECE2021 Conference. Thank Dr. Weiyi Lu for the invitation.
10/2021 PEOPLE: Daniel, Kieran, Luke, Rianna, and Tom joined the group for their final-year projects.
09/2021 TALK: Yueting gave an IMechE Webinar. Thank Mr. Tom Grainger for the invitation.
08/2021 TALK: Yueting gave a talk to the Chemical Engineering Department at Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University, Indonesia. Thank Ir. Maria Yuliana for the invitation.
08/2021 INTERVIEW: Yueting spoke to the Cambridge China Innovation Network. Read the news.
07/2021 PEOPLE: Heting joined the group as a visiting Ph.D. student.
06/2021 PEOPLE: Rui and Yanan joined the group for their MSc projects.
05/2021 PEOPLE: Haixia joined the group as a Ph.D. student.
05/2021 TRAINING: Yueting attended a broadcast media training workshop by ACM training.
04/2021 PUBLICATION: We published the work 'High-rate nanofluidic energy absorption in porous zeolitic frameworks' on Nature Materials, Thank all the collaborators from Oxford and Ghent University. Read the news.
02/2021 GRANT: We are awarded the Royal Society Research Grant to explore controllable nanofluidics.
01/2021 TRAINING: Yueting attended Tech. Entrepreneurship 101 and Public engagement for independent researchers, by the Royal Society.
10/2020 PEOPLE: Hebin joined the group as a Ph.D. student; James, Hamad, Ashley, Thomas, Emma, and Shenmin joined the group for their final-year projects.
10/2020 GRANT: We are awarded the UoB & UIUC BRIDGE Grant to explore MOF mechanochemistry in collaboration with the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Prof Ken Suslick).
People 06/2020 PEOPLE: Yang and Qi joined the group for their MSc projects.
01/2020 GRANT: We are awarded the State Key Lab of Automotive Safety and Energy Open Project to collaborate with Tsinghua University (Prof Yibing Li).
11/2020 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at the EASF Young Webinar. Thank Dr Shaoting Lin for the invitation.
09/2020 TALK: Yueting gave a talk at the Virtual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science 2020, the recorded talk was shared on Research Express.
12/2019 PEOPLE: Yueting joined the University of Birmingham, check out his departmental page.